- 充空氣氣球 x150
- 蠟燭燈 x6
- MARRY ME燈 x1
- 花瓣
- LOVE氣球 x1
- 上門佈置服務1小時
- 包括送貨及安裝
- 氦氣球需另外加購
- 所有氣球均可轉色
- 按金$250,燈飾/盒子歸還檢查後將於48小時內退回
- Balloon filled with air x150
- Candle light x6
- "MARRY ME" letter light
- Silk rose petals
- Letter balloon "LOVE" x1
- 1 Hr on-site deco service
- Delivery and installation included
- Helium balloons are add-on
- Balloon colour can be changed
- $250 Deposit required, deposit will be returned within 48 hrs after LED lights being returned
#周年紀念 #情人節佈置 #場地佈置 #求婚佈置 #生日佈置 #生日party #酒店佈置 #氣球
#Anniversary #Valentine's Day #Decoration #Balloon #Birthday Party #Hotel Decoration